Learn Arduino Nano with ease: Our ELEGOO Nano Board is the perfect choice for beginners and experts alike, with tutorials available to help you get started.
Nano's got the breadboard-ability of the Boarduino and the Mini+USB with smaller footprint than either, so users have more breadboard space. It's got a pin layout that works well with the Mini or the Basic Stamp (TX, RX, ATN, GND on one top, power and ground on the other).
The Nano can be energized through a Mini-B USB connection, an unregulated external power supply ranging from 7-12V (pin 30), or a regulated external power supply at 5V (pin 27). The device automatically selects the power source with the highest voltage.
The pre-soldered Nano uses the chips ATmega+328P and CH340, not FT232, please install the driver first
It is a smallest, complete, and breadboard friendly board. It has everything that Diecimila/Duemilanove has (electrically) with more analog input pins and onboard +5V AREF jumper.
ELEGOO Nano Board CH 340/ATmega+328P for Arduino Beginners
Learn Arduino Nano with ease: Our ELEGOO Nano Board is the perfect choice for beginners and experts alike, with tutorials available to help you get started.
Nano's got the breadboard-ability of the Boarduino and the Mini+USB with smaller footprint than either, so users have more breadboard space. It's got a pin layout that works well with the Mini or the Basic Stamp (TX, RX, ATN, GND on one top, power and ground on the other).
The Nano can be energized through a Mini-B USB connection, an unregulated external power supply ranging from 7-12V (pin 30), or a regulated external power supply at 5V (pin 27). The device automatically selects the power source with the highest voltage.
The pre-soldered Nano uses the chips ATmega+328P and CH340, not FT232, please install the driver first
It is a smallest, complete, and breadboard friendly board. It has everything that Diecimila/Duemilanove has (electrically) with more analog input pins and onboard +5V AREF jumper.