Two 15-pin connectors (one located on each side) that are directly compatible pin-for-pin with the original Arduino Nano.
Get started in minutes with thousands of sketches available in open source.
Power supply architecture based on a high efficiency DC-DC converter allows powering the board at up to 21V and to drive output peripherals with up to 950mA without overheating.
Small (48mm x 18mm), robust and powerful board Based on the ATMega4809 AVR processor
Two 15-pin connectors (one located on each side) that are directly compatible pin-for-pin with the original Arduino Nano.
Get started in minutes with thousands of sketches available in open source.
Power supply architecture based on a high efficiency DC-DC converter allows powering the board at up to 21V and to drive output peripherals with up to 950mA without overheating.
Small (48mm x 18mm), robust and powerful board Based on the ATMega4809 AVR processor